Saturday, November 8, 2014

Pumpkins, pumpkins everywhere!

Americans are crazy about pumpkins! It is everywhere! In cakes, beer, coffee, cupcakes and even sushi (pumpkin tempura topped with mashed sweet potato)! Adding pumpkin to any kind of  product seems to be a both easy and effective way to sell more.

Cindy Ott has written a book called Pumpkin: The Curious History of an American Icon and she explains that the pumpkin is popular not due to its taste or nutritional value but because: "It's a vegetable that represents this idyllic farm life, and the best sort of moral virtue. And Americans have become attached to that."

I wonder what the Swedish equivalent would be? What adds rustic charm to Swedish products? Maybe it is not an ingredient but a word, picture or a symbol. Cross-stiched letters? A typing machine font? Adding the prefix "lant" or adjective "gammaldags to a noun"? Anything by Jenny Nyström?  I don't know.

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